
The weather is the thing today, isnt it always in England in the summer. Do we dress for rain or for the tropics. We chose to take water proofs and wear wintery clothes. Wrong! It started dull after a mornings downour, then typically it turn close and sunny reaching 23 degrees.

2 miles down the road we turned right onto the Walton to Hampton Court road, a sign announced its closure Sunday for a Classic bike race. The River Thames is then reached by a half mile nettle infested path.

This is Sunbury. We stop for a coffee break and are entertained by the local regatta, mostly people messing about in boats rather than the Henley on Thames affair.

We watch lots of ducks and passing boats as we make our way down the river to Hampton. A bench placed for an excellent view of the ferry boat travelling backwards and forwards across the river with its cargo of people and cycles, serves as a great place for lunch.

Hampton Court Locks is a mile along the river, passing several islands, all with posh sheds on them used as weekend holiday pads, each with moorings each with a boat  tied up alongside.

 After watching several boats pass through the locks, we walk along the road to we enter Molesey Park. This is a large green area set  aside for the locals to walk their dogs or sail their boats on the many reservoirs around this area.

We arrive back at the camp site having had a glorious walk in the sun, a bit tired but a cup of tea soon sorts that out together with a slice of cake.

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