
 Again dull to start but improving later. This time though we go prepared, that is if there should be a sudden heatwave.

Breakfast is a treat of boiled (duck) egg and toast with cups of Gold Yorkshire tea.

Over Molesy Heath to start, in East Molesey we pass the old Bell Inn, dating from 1460, it looks like it is falling down, the windows and doors slanting to one side. At Hampton Court, We stop by the side of the river Thames for a coffee break,the Southern Belle a mock paddle steamer (diesel powered) passes by for entertainment.

Though 5 minutes later a Kingfisher flashes by,which is better still, even though only a glimpse at that speed.

Our walk continues to follow the Thames river path as far as Kingston upon Thames. We admire the big boats sailing along the water and the large expensive houses that are built alongside. Here we sit to have lunch, a very tasty porkpie, instead of the usual roll or sandwhich with various fillings.

 Lots of people are passing on bicycles or on foot, I help a little boy’s mother who trys to pacify him after tripping and falling down. A Bassetts Allsorts does the  trick as mum puts the plaster I have offered onto his cut knee.

Our journey continues into and across Bushy park, a red deer in the distance is disturbed by a passerby. We later see a Fallow Stag in the bracken, his large antlers giving him away.
Half a mile later and we are crossing Hampton Court bridge again, the roads are still closed due to the cycle race and traffic is backing up everywhere, I am glad we are on foot.

Back at camp we sit in the sun, have a cup of tea and slice of cake.